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bishop's bread

Bishop’s Bread Made With Egg Whites is a classic European recipe, for a fine cake, that uses egg whites with nuts and dried fruits.

The egg whites bread was never missing on my grandparents’ table, on the holiday time. Grandmother Elisabeta, or Veta, as her older relatives called her, made “cozonaci moldovenesti” (a cake similar with the Christmas italian Panettone) and filled them abundantly with chocolate and nuts.

The leftover egg whites from the “cozonaci” were used for Bishop’s bread. My grandmother has extraordinary handmade skills from cooking to tailoring and clothing design.

I  fondly remember how I was stending beside her when she made the cakes. I really enjoyed watching her and tasting the raw mix of egg whites and sugar!


8 egg whites

200 g powdered sugar

200 g all purpose flour

10 g baking powder


vanilla esence


chopped hazelnuts

grated lemon peel

The original recipe also contains butter, fruits and chocolate, but I will try to bake a cake with a lower number of calories.


  1.  Heat the walnuts in a pan to give them more flavor, then let them cool a bit.
  2. Place the egg whites in a bowl and beat them with a mixer.
  3. Add the sugar and continue to beat them, exactly the same way you would beat the egg whites for a meringue. They have to look stiff and glossy.
  4. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix them together, including the walnuts and the chopped hazelnuts.
  5. Put the composition in a cake pan, previously greased with butter and covered with some flour. Put the form in the hot oven. I held it for about 30 minutes at 140 degrees. After a while, I recommend to check the cake with a wooden stick. Insert the stick into the cake, If when you take out the stick it will be perfectly dry, it means that the cake is baked in depth.

ingrediene pentru chec de albusuri (paine de albusuri, painea episcopului)

bate zaharul si ouale

unge tava cu unt si faina

toarna compozitia in forma

adauga nucile

forma cu pereti detasabili

paine de albusuri

Bishop's bread made with egg whites
Bishop’s bread made with egg whites

forma de Guguluf, tapetata cu unt si faina

Bishop's bread made with egg whites
Bishop’s bread made with egg whites
Guguluf de albusuri
Guguluf de albusuri

Chec de albusuri (paine de albusuri, painea episcopului)


Chec cu carob si cereale, pentru copii

Banana bread vegan

Vezi si alte retete Cakes
array(1) { [0]=> object(WP_Term)#2615 (16) { ["term_id"]=> int(34) ["name"]=> string(5) "Cakes" ["slug"]=> string(17) "dulciuri-de-dieta" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(34) ["taxonomy"]=> string(8) "category" ["description"]=> string(1256) "Dulciuri de dieta - daca te-ai saturat sa vezi pe internet sau la televizor retete complicate si cu foarte multe ingrediente, iti recomandam variante simplificate cu mai putine calorii, pentru zilele in care vrei sa te rasfeti. Chiar daca suntem la dieta nu inseamna ca trebuie sa renunatm definitiv la mici recompense. Renunta la dulciurile nesanatoase din comert si incepe chiar azi sa iti pregatesti singur deserturi delicioase cu mai putine calorii si mai sanatoase. Dulciurile ne fac fericiti, un motiv destul de serios pentru a nu renunta definitiv la ele. Consumul alimentelor dulci poate scadea nivelul cortizolului, asadar nu e de mirare de ce vrem dulciuri cand suntem stresati. Citeste articolul nostru despre consumul de zahar si sare: Un regim de viata echilibrat nu inseamna neaparat renunatrea totala la dulciuri. Asadar va propunem retete de dulciuri de dieta: de prajituri, torturi si dulciuri, adaptate mai mult pentru o dieta sanatoasa. Dar atentie la cantitati, o lingurita de ceva bun nu a omorat pe nimeni, insa ai grija la numarul de portii si la cat de des te rasfeti." ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(47) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" ["cat_ID"]=> int(34) ["category_count"]=> int(47) ["category_description"]=> string(1256) "Dulciuri de dieta - daca te-ai saturat sa vezi pe internet sau la televizor retete complicate si cu foarte multe ingrediente, iti recomandam variante simplificate cu mai putine calorii, pentru zilele in care vrei sa te rasfeti. Chiar daca suntem la dieta nu inseamna ca trebuie sa renunatm definitiv la mici recompense. Renunta la dulciurile nesanatoase din comert si incepe chiar azi sa iti pregatesti singur deserturi delicioase cu mai putine calorii si mai sanatoase. Dulciurile ne fac fericiti, un motiv destul de serios pentru a nu renunta definitiv la ele. Consumul alimentelor dulci poate scadea nivelul cortizolului, asadar nu e de mirare de ce vrem dulciuri cand suntem stresati. Citeste articolul nostru despre consumul de zahar si sare: Un regim de viata echilibrat nu inseamna neaparat renunatrea totala la dulciuri. Asadar va propunem retete de dulciuri de dieta: de prajituri, torturi si dulciuri, adaptate mai mult pentru o dieta sanatoasa. Dar atentie la cantitati, o lingurita de ceva bun nu a omorat pe nimeni, insa ai grija la numarul de portii si la cat de des te rasfeti." ["cat_name"]=> string(5) "Cakes" ["category_nicename"]=> string(17) "dulciuri-de-dieta" ["category_parent"]=> int(0) } }

Ana Maria

"Incerc sa adopt un stil de viata cat mai sanatos, sa consum in fiecare zi legume, sa inlocuiesc din cand in cand proteinele animale cu cele vegetale si sa consum cat mai putini carbohidrati. Mananc in general disociat si tin fasting hipocaloric atunci cand simt ca pot incepe o cura de slabire."

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