Ingredients for deer marinade:
1 kg deer meet
1 carrot
1 onion
1 cup of red wine
- Put all the ingredients in a covered bowl or in a vacuum bag, in the refrigerator.
- After at least 12 hours, remove from the refrigerator.
Deer meat with Gravy sauce:
1 kg marinated deer meet with the related vegetables and condiments
1 cup of red wine
1 tablespoon of flour
1 tablespoon of honey
- Grease the pan with a little butter or oil, then place the meat. Put the vegetables from the marinade in the pan, together with a cup of water and half a cup of wine.
- Put a lid and place the tray in the oven.
- When the steak is done, remove it from the pan. cut into slices and place on a plate. Remove the vegetables and drain the remaining sauce in another bowl.
- Add to the sauce a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of flour, half a cup of wine and a tablespoon of butter and keep it on the fire until the alcohol evaporates and the sauce reduces a little.
This delicious sauce is the perfect match with the potato dumplings.
I also served half a pear with blueberry jam.

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array(1) {
object(WP_Term)#2637 (16) {
string(4) "Keto"
string(4) "keto"
string(8) "category"
string(517) "Dieta Keto (Ketogenica) este o dieta low carb (cu foarte putini carbohidrati), dar high fat (axata pe grasimi santoase). Aceasta dieta aduce corpul la starea de cetoza (ketoza), faza in care organismul transforma grasimea in energie.
Dieta keto restrictiva impune un consum zilnic de 70% grasimi, 25% proteine si 5% carbohidrati neti.
Exista persoane, cum ar fi cei ce sufera de diabet, in cazul carora nu este recomandata aceasta dieta.
Cereti sfatul unui medic nutritionist inainte de a incepe o astfel de dieta!"
string(3) "raw"
string(517) "Dieta Keto (Ketogenica) este o dieta low carb (cu foarte putini carbohidrati), dar high fat (axata pe grasimi santoase). Aceasta dieta aduce corpul la starea de cetoza (ketoza), faza in care organismul transforma grasimea in energie.
Dieta keto restrictiva impune un consum zilnic de 70% grasimi, 25% proteine si 5% carbohidrati neti.
Exista persoane, cum ar fi cei ce sufera de diabet, in cazul carora nu este recomandata aceasta dieta.
Cereti sfatul unui medic nutritionist inainte de a incepe o astfel de dieta!"
string(4) "Keto"
string(4) "keto"
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