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whole chicken breast

vegetables (1 potato, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1 small celery)


salted butter



black pepper



green beans

maize corn

3 strips of bacon


  1. Put  the chicken and vegetables in a pot, add water and boil them. 
  2. When is boiled, take the chicken out of the pot, chop it and then put it back, the pot remains on the fire.
  3. Put 200 grams of salted butter, turmeric, ginger, black pepper, spinach, broccoli beans, maize corn and boil on low heat.
  4. Add 3 strips of bacon chopped into small pieces and chilly in the end.

Vezi si alte retete Keto
array(1) { [0]=> object(WP_Term)#2505 (16) { ["term_id"]=> int(81) ["name"]=> string(4) "Keto" ["slug"]=> string(4) "keto" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(81) ["taxonomy"]=> string(8) "category" ["description"]=> string(517) "Dieta Keto (Ketogenica) este o dieta low carb (cu foarte putini carbohidrati), dar high fat (axata pe grasimi santoase). Aceasta dieta aduce corpul la starea de cetoza (ketoza), faza in care organismul transforma grasimea in energie. Dieta keto restrictiva impune un consum zilnic de 70% grasimi, 25% proteine si 5% carbohidrati neti. Exista persoane, cum ar fi cei ce sufera de diabet, in cazul carora nu este recomandata aceasta dieta. Cereti sfatul unui medic nutritionist inainte de a incepe o astfel de dieta!" ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(81) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" ["cat_ID"]=> int(81) ["category_count"]=> int(81) ["category_description"]=> string(517) "Dieta Keto (Ketogenica) este o dieta low carb (cu foarte putini carbohidrati), dar high fat (axata pe grasimi santoase). Aceasta dieta aduce corpul la starea de cetoza (ketoza), faza in care organismul transforma grasimea in energie. Dieta keto restrictiva impune un consum zilnic de 70% grasimi, 25% proteine si 5% carbohidrati neti. Exista persoane, cum ar fi cei ce sufera de diabet, in cazul carora nu este recomandata aceasta dieta. Cereti sfatul unui medic nutritionist inainte de a incepe o astfel de dieta!" ["cat_name"]=> string(4) "Keto" ["category_nicename"]=> string(4) "keto" ["category_parent"]=> int(0) } }


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