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Cucumber food with meat in a cauldron over a wood fire. It’s the first time I’ve cooked this wonderful food.

I haven’t eaten this kind of food since I was very, very young (Grandma Mimi used to cook this dish).

All my life, I think I’ve eaten something like this twice! It’s a somewhat forgotten food, but I don’t know why. From now on, I’ll keep doing it, because it’s great! And it’s very easy to do.



1 kg pikeled cucumbers

1 kg of meat

3 onions

tomatoes juice

smoked paprika


Method to prepare cucumber food with meat in a pot on a wood fire:

  1. Slice the pickles and let them drain them in a sieve. I let them drain for about an hour. That’s why it’s good to start with cucumbers – while they drain, you can cook the onion and meat.
  2. Cook the chopped onion and diced meat. When browned, add a little water.
  3. Add some smoked paprika too (optional).
  4. Then put those sliced cucumbers in a pot and pour water over them just enough to cover them all. Boil them well until the water goes down a bit.
  5. Add the cooked meat and onions in the pot.
  6. At the end, add that chopped parsley and the smoked paprika.And that’s it! I promised you it’s very easy! Good appetite!

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Recipe Name
Mancare de castraveti cu carne la ceaun pe foc de lemne
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Lui Razvan ii place sa gateasca si sa inventeze retete cu ingredientele lui preferate. Activitatea lui sportiva preferata este urcatul pe munte.

"Mananc de toate, nu prea fac abatere de la mai nimic, dar consum surplusul de calorii, prin exercitii fizice. Am mai multe aparate de fitness, gantere si haltere in curte. Si mai fac si flotari, cam o data la doua zile (daca nu imi e lene ).

Beau shake de pudra proteica din zer, dupa antrenament, pentru cresterea masei musculare. Si cam atat." -  spune Razvan.

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