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prima saptamana de dieta

The first week of diet can be very motivational, I feel like I’m doing something for myself and I’m proud that I am mobilized.

The Corona virus  situation made many of us stay longer at home and as a result we did much less exercise, but we also ate more. I do not feel like a victim, I assume the comfort I have enjoyed in recent months, but as my weight has reached an all-time high, it is time to give up lazy living and start a diet.

The diet that I will follow in the next period is a combination of principles that I learned from nutritionists I have visited the past.

My diet plan does not aim to become a pattern for other people (Attention I am not a Nutritionist!), but to bring only ideas for healthy menus, prepared at home. Every person is different, has personal culinary preferences, different metabolism and specific characteristics.

Losing weight means finding a combination of healthy foods that you like and which are helping you reach the right weight, an exercise program and finding a mental state ready for the diet.

To motivate myself I started by purchasing a few things to help me:

  1. I bought a new scale that measures in addition to weight and fat, water, protein, basal metabolism, muscle, bone mass and metabolic age. I don’t think it’s very accurate, but I think it does the calculations based on some statistics.
  2. I also bought an electric cup to motivate me to drink more tea. Drinking fluids has always been an effort for me.
  3. The most important purchase is the elliptical bike. Even if at the beginning it is quite difficult to get used to the effort, I intend to make a program of at least 30 minutes of cycling.
  4. Even if I didn’t buy it now, I have to tell you about the kitchen scale with which I will weigh each food. I will introduce the quantities into the application, to measure calories.

    My plan for the first week of diet:

    1. I will eat a certain number of calories daily. I will use an app to find out the number of calories allowed to me every day, to lose weight.  You can find such a computer in the menu on the right side of the homepage of the site.

2. I’ll use an app to note the food that i eat to find out the number of calories consumed.

aplicatie calcul calorii


2. I’ll consume 2 liters of water daily.

3. Eat breakfast at 8:00, lunch at 13:00 and dinner at 18:00.

4. I’ll walk 3000 steps/day. I’ll count my steps with my phone app.

numar de pasi


Come on, we can do it!



Vezi si alte retete Keto
array(1) { [0]=> object(WP_Term)#2524 (16) { ["term_id"]=> int(81) ["name"]=> string(4) "Keto" ["slug"]=> string(4) "keto" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(81) ["taxonomy"]=> string(8) "category" ["description"]=> string(517) "Dieta Keto (Ketogenica) este o dieta low carb (cu foarte putini carbohidrati), dar high fat (axata pe grasimi santoase). Aceasta dieta aduce corpul la starea de cetoza (ketoza), faza in care organismul transforma grasimea in energie. Dieta keto restrictiva impune un consum zilnic de 70% grasimi, 25% proteine si 5% carbohidrati neti. Exista persoane, cum ar fi cei ce sufera de diabet, in cazul carora nu este recomandata aceasta dieta. Cereti sfatul unui medic nutritionist inainte de a incepe o astfel de dieta!" ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(81) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" ["cat_ID"]=> int(81) ["category_count"]=> int(81) ["category_description"]=> string(517) "Dieta Keto (Ketogenica) este o dieta low carb (cu foarte putini carbohidrati), dar high fat (axata pe grasimi santoase). Aceasta dieta aduce corpul la starea de cetoza (ketoza), faza in care organismul transforma grasimea in energie. Dieta keto restrictiva impune un consum zilnic de 70% grasimi, 25% proteine si 5% carbohidrati neti. Exista persoane, cum ar fi cei ce sufera de diabet, in cazul carora nu este recomandata aceasta dieta. Cereti sfatul unui medic nutritionist inainte de a incepe o astfel de dieta!" ["cat_name"]=> string(4) "Keto" ["category_nicename"]=> string(4) "keto" ["category_parent"]=> int(0) } }

Ana Maria

"Incerc sa adopt un stil de viata cat mai sanatos, sa consum in fiecare zi legume, sa inlocuiesc din cand in cand proteinele animale cu cele vegetale si sa consum cat mai putini carbohidrati. Mananc in general disociat si tin fasting hipocaloric atunci cand simt ca pot incepe o cura de slabire."

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