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tarta cu vita

I am pleased to present you a kind of invention of my own: beef tart. Well, I’m sure others would have thought of doing something like that, but the idea came to me yesterday, when I wanted to get rid of eight eggs, before it expires. It is made particularly easy and is unexpectedly good!

Ingredients for beef tart:

a sheet of simple dough

2 onions

2 carrots


500 g minced beef

8 eggs

Red pepper


Mod de preparare:

  1. Clean, wash and grind: onions, carrots, peppers and mushrooms.
  2. Cook the onions and carrots, optionally some mushrooms in a large saucepan.
  3. Add 500 g of minced beef. When ready, remove from the heat and let it cool.
  4. Mix with 4 beaten eggs.
  5. Put a sheet of simple dough in a tray.
  6. Pour the mixture of hardened meat and vegetables and pepper over the sheet.
  7. Put the tray in the oven and hold it for about … I don’t know how long it stood, at 150 degrees, until you see that the dough and the egg are well done.
  8. .foaie de placinta vita in tigaie

tarta cu vita


Vezi si alte retete Keto
array(1) { [0]=> object(WP_Term)#2632 (16) { ["term_id"]=> int(81) ["name"]=> string(4) "Keto" ["slug"]=> string(4) "keto" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(81) ["taxonomy"]=> string(8) "category" ["description"]=> string(517) "Dieta Keto (Ketogenica) este o dieta low carb (cu foarte putini carbohidrati), dar high fat (axata pe grasimi santoase). Aceasta dieta aduce corpul la starea de cetoza (ketoza), faza in care organismul transforma grasimea in energie. Dieta keto restrictiva impune un consum zilnic de 70% grasimi, 25% proteine si 5% carbohidrati neti. Exista persoane, cum ar fi cei ce sufera de diabet, in cazul carora nu este recomandata aceasta dieta. Cereti sfatul unui medic nutritionist inainte de a incepe o astfel de dieta!" ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(81) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" ["cat_ID"]=> int(81) ["category_count"]=> int(81) ["category_description"]=> string(517) "Dieta Keto (Ketogenica) este o dieta low carb (cu foarte putini carbohidrati), dar high fat (axata pe grasimi santoase). Aceasta dieta aduce corpul la starea de cetoza (ketoza), faza in care organismul transforma grasimea in energie. Dieta keto restrictiva impune un consum zilnic de 70% grasimi, 25% proteine si 5% carbohidrati neti. Exista persoane, cum ar fi cei ce sufera de diabet, in cazul carora nu este recomandata aceasta dieta. Cereti sfatul unui medic nutritionist inainte de a incepe o astfel de dieta!" ["cat_name"]=> string(4) "Keto" ["category_nicename"]=> string(4) "keto" ["category_parent"]=> int(0) } }


Lui Razvan ii place sa gateasca si sa inventeze retete cu ingredientele lui preferate. Activitatea lui sportiva preferata este urcatul pe munte.

"Mananc de toate, nu prea fac abatere de la mai nimic, dar consum surplusul de calorii, prin exercitii fizice. Am mai multe aparate de fitness, gantere si haltere in curte. Si mai fac si flotari, cam o data la doua zile (daca nu imi e lene ).

Beau shake de pudra proteica din zer, dupa antrenament, pentru cresterea masei musculare. Si cam atat." -  spune Razvan.

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